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GS_GSSE1 GasStop nødstopventil til propangasflaske SE 0.885 NGO LH POL (G.10) GSSE1

- Suitable for Sweden
The GasStop automatic gas cylinder fuse is a valve that closes gas flow immediately and 100% in the event of a serious leakage after the gas tap. The GasStop has a G10 connection for most standard gas cylinder taps.

The GasStop has several functions:
- Emergency stop: In the event of a major leak, the GasStop will immediately switch off the supply of gas 100%
- Leak tester: The GasStop can also be used to test your gas system for small leaks, we call this the minor leak test
- Gas bottle indicator: The GasStop has a practical indicator that shows exactly when the gas bottle is empty

Product specifications:
- Gas-Stop
- Equipped with a G10 connection
- Stop the gas supply in the event of a major leak
- Can also be used as a leak tester
- Including gas level indicator
- Easy in use
- Equipped with a standard DIN connection
- Meets the ISO and EN standards

PAY ATTENTION! A GasStop display contains 20 pieces. Only by purchasing 20 pieces, the display will be supplied.

The recommended retail price for the Swedish GasStop is € 49.95 / 525 SEK including VAT.


Gas Stop, Automatic Emergency shut-off valve, Emergency shut-off valves, ESOV, Excess flow valve, Low pressure excess flow valves, EFV

Varenummer: GS_GSSE1
Stregkode: 8719326036120
Vægt inkl. emballage: 367gram
Nettovægt: 315 gram
Outer weight: 8,50 kg
Antal i ydre karton: 20
Antal i indre karton: 20
Mængde pr. palle: 600
Emne pakket: 85x130x190 mm
Dimension indre karton: 430x280x200 mm
Format udvendig: 470x300x210 mm
CBM ydre karton: 0.02961 m3